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Validation of Stratospheric Ozone: News

5 Dec 2014: New comparison with OMPS and OSIRIS for year 2014

This site now includes an overview of stratospheric ozone evolution during 2014. It is deplayed as time-series of the ozone mixing ratio at 20km height (lower stratospere) and 33km height (middle stratospere) above the Tropics and the Polar regions. These timeseries are obtained from

  • Aura-MLS observations (i.e. assimilated data)
  • OMPS observations (i.e. independent data) using the limb sensor
  • OSIRIS observations (i.e. independent data)
  • MACC o-suite anayses
  • MACC control run output (i.e. with no chemical data assimilation)
  • BASCOE analyses

They are described and discussed in the latest validation report of the MACC NRT global atmospheric composition.