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Validation of Stratospheric Ozone: News

27 May 2014: New validation against satellite instruments

Stratospheric ozone by MACC is now evaluated by comparison with observations retrieved from limb-scanning satellite instruments: see the new evaluation page (i.e. on the left pane, click "NRT products"->"Evaluation"->"Vs satellite obs").

Three instruments are currently included: Aura-MLS, OMPS-limb and Odin-OSIRIS. Note that Aura-MLS is assimilated, so it only provides verification about the impact of the assimilation. OMPS-limb and Odin-OSIRIS are not assimilated, hence provide independent validation, but currently do not deliver data on a regular basis (last data for OSIRIS is in February 2014; for OMPS in November 2013). For full acknowledgements to the data providers, see the new evaluation page.