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Validation of Stratospheric Ozone service

Most recent quick-looks for O3 at 50 hPa

south hemisphere
o-suite nowo-suite last forecastBASCOE last forecast
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Context and content of this CAMS service

The CAMS project (Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service) provides the operational atmospheric environmental service of COPERNICUS. It is operating and improving the data analysis and modelling systems for a number of atmospheric trace gases, among which O3, NO2, CO, SO2 and formaldehyde. It is implemented by ECMWF and funded by the European Union.

Validation of CAMS stratospheric ozone (and related species) is performed with respect to independent data:

  • Independent observational satellite (OMPS-LP, ACE-FTS, Sage III-ISS, ...) and in-situ data (ozone sondes, LIDAR, FTIR, ...)
  • First guess values (i.e. assimilated Level-2 ozone data)
  • Independent model results (BASCOE)

Validated models include the CAMS NRT stream (started as MACC service at 2008-07-06, updated daily) and the CAMS reanalysis.